What We Do: Marie Curie is Greenbelt’s Chosen Charity
Since 2019, Marie Curie has been Greenbelt’s chosen charity, as it’s one that holds a very special place in the hearts of many of our staff.
Marie Curie provides professional palliative care at its nine fixed hospice locations, as well as through its community nursing service, and we’re honoured to help ensure these services remain funded and accessible to those who need them the most.
Through both individual and company-wide fundraising efforts and events, Greenbelt pledges to raise more than £20,000 for Marie Curie each year: enough to fully fund a community nurse for 12 months.
Whether it’s dedicated palliative care, physical rehabilitation, counselling and mental health guidance or just a sense of structure and company, Marie Curie provides many crucial services to ill people and their families.
We’re proud to honour this partnership with two bespoke flowerbeds at North Hamilton, Leicester, and Ballumbie Castle, Dundee, in the shape of the Marie Curie logo.
You can read more about Greenbelt’s ongoing support of Marie Curie and they work they do here.
You can make a donation of your own or even get involved by taking part in the official Marie Curie events such as the Day of Reflection, Coffee Morning or Great Daffodil Appeal - head to the official Marie Curie website to find out more.