Site Features
- Amenity Grass
- Equipped Play Area
- Mature Woodland
- Hedgerows
- River Meadows
- SuDS
- Street Furniture
- Hard Surface Pathways
- Block Pathways
- Works of Art
- Brick Walls
- Metal Painted Fencing
- Wooden Fencing
- Amenity Trees
All about North Hamilton
Located North East of Leicester near open countryside, this
1,650-house development on former agricultural land was developed
by the Humberstone Trust. It provides river meadows, extensive
wetlands, greenways, equipped play areas, general amenity areas
and structure planting.
North Hamilton also boasts one of the largest Sustainable Urban
Drainage Systems (SuDS) in the UK. This is used for research and
training by many parties, including Abertay University’s Urban
Water and Technology Centre.
Due to the scale and complexity of the public open spaces and
features, Leicester City Council encouraged the lead Developer to
appoint a long-term professional body to manage them. Due to our
experience, and our Greenspace Agreement, they recommended we
should be considered.
Our Customer Liaison Officer has played a major role in developing
community engagement, not only within the 1,650 homes but also the
wider community. This continues today and includes the local
school and nursery. We also work closely with the Hamilton
Residents’ Association.
In 2022, this development was awarded a Green Flag Award by Keep Britain Tidy, an international mark of quality for parks and green spaces. If you would like more information about this award you can read our news story here.
At a Glance
Location: Leicester
Accessed: 2006
Properties: 1,650